Regression as a supervised learning task

Levi John Wolf

So far in your time at Bristol, you’ve mainly focused on linear models. That is, we’ve mainly focused on models that look like this: \[ y_i = \alpha + x_{1i}\beta_1 + x_{2i}\beta + ... + e_i\] where we assume that the error \(e_i\) is normally-distributed with a mean of zero and a variance that is constant for all the observations. You’ve looked at this model to investigate things like bias (when your errors are not zero, on average) and heteroskedasticity (when your errors are not distributed with a common variance, some observations seem to be noisier than others); you’ve used it to predict many different kinds of things.

Thinking distributionally

But, let’s stop and think critically about what this represents in terms of probability, not statistics.1 My single biggest goal in this course is to get you thinking in terms of guesses and predictions… from statistics to statistical thinking, this is one of the most difficult parts of stats, even for statisticians! A regression model is a kind of distributional model that describes how our expectation of what value some outcome \(y\) will take. This expectation, spelled \(\mathbf{E}[y]\), is just a guess about what we think \(y\) will be.

The way you’ve already learned to build guesses

So, clearly, we want to guess well; if the “expected value” is our guess for what \(y_i\) will be, what’s our best guess for \(y_i\)? Well… it depends on how we build our guesses. For example, consider the data on waiting times from order to pint at local bars for a student thirsty Thursday event:

pub waiting
The Berkeley 5.90
The Berkeley 8.82
The Berkeley 4.52
The Berkeley 6.66
The Berkeley 1.01
The Berkeley 1.30
The Gallimaufry 0.63
The Gallimaufry 3.31
The Gallimaufry 0.83
The Gallimaufry 2.23
The Gallimaufry 0.71
The Gallimaufry 1.68
The Gallimaufry 0.41
The Milk Thistle 15.69
The Milk Thistle 2.70
The Milk Thistle 1.86
The Milk Thistle 4.81

Just eyeballing it, about how long do folks wait for a pint?

model_1 = lm(waiting ~ 1, data=times)
## Call:
## lm(formula = waiting ~ 1, data = times)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -3.300 -2.704 -1.483  1.103 11.979 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
## (Intercept)   3.7097     0.9523   3.895  0.00129 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 3.926 on 16 degrees of freedom

About 4 minutes, or 3.7 minutes to be precise. That means \(\mathbf{E}[y] = 3.7\). Further, you can see that the residual standard deviation, the \(\sigma\) for \(e_i\), is 3.92.2 Check that this is exactly the same as the sd(times$waiting) if you like. This is because our simple linear model is: \[ waiting_i = 3.7 + e_i\] which is just another way to spell a distributional model for your wait times: they’re bell-shaped and typically about 4 minutes: \[ \text{waiting}_i \sim \mathcal{N}(3.7, 3.92^2)\] Now; this can be a good model, or it can be a bad model; it’s just one of many. We can see that the average prediction miss of this model is (basically) zero3 remember, scientific notation means 6.542203510^{-17} has sixteen zeros to the right of the decimal before hitting that first 6, so it’s .00000000000000006, since regression is an unbiased predictor:

## [1] 6.542203e-17

But, just eyeballing the data, it looks like if we guess that our wait is always \(3.7\) minutes, we’ll be really wrong in the Milk Thistle, and possibly the Berkeley. This means that, while regression is unbiased on average, regression is usually not unbiased for everyone.4 This is one technical manifestation of the extremely complex problem of algorithmic bias, where our statistical/analytical algorithms generate predictions that systematically mis-predict groups despite being “unbiased” on average. You can see this yourself by looking at the average prediction error within pubs:

times %>% mutate(residual = residuals(model_1)) %>% group_by(pub) %>% summarize(mean(residual))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   pub              `mean(residual)`
##   <chr>                       <dbl>
## 1 The Berkeley                0.990
## 2 The Gallimaufry            -2.31 
## 3 The Milk Thistle            2.56

Our guess of 3.7 minutes overall is a big overestimate in the Gallimaufrey5 a negative residual means the prediction is too high., a big underestimate in the Milk Thistle, and is a slight underestimate for the wait times at the Berkeley. Likewise, we could see if our predictions are different for, say, what kind of drink is ordered:

times %>% mutate(residual = residuals(model_1)) %>% group_by(drinktype) %>% summarize(mean(residual))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   drinktype `mean(residual)`
##   <chr>                <dbl>
## 1 Beer                 0.423
## 2 Cocktail            -1.02

Which suggests you’ll wait a bit longer than our guess for a cocktail and a bit shorter for a beer.

Building a better model

So, we see some specific ways our model is flawed. An improvement to this guess might consider more information, in order to remove these kinds of biases. Keeping us in the language of “guessing,” you likely would not assume that your wait time for service at a very busy nightclub would be the same as the wait time at a sleepy local tavern. They’re different, and your guess will probably be different for those different groups.

So, we can make a guess based on the pub someone waited in. If we were to just think about the waiting times for that pub, we might have better predictions:

model_2 = lm(waiting ~ 0 + pub, data=times)
## Call:
## lm(formula = waiting ~ 0 + pub, data = times)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -4.4018 -1.4524 -0.5714  1.1966  9.4235 
## Coefficients:
##                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
## pubThe Berkeley        4.700      1.453   3.235  0.00599 **
## pubThe Gallimaufry     1.400      1.345   1.041  0.31550   
## pubThe Milk Thistle    6.265      1.780   3.521  0.00339 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 3.559 on 14 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.631,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.552 
## F-statistic: 7.981 on 3 and 14 DF,  p-value: 0.002406

In this model, our best guess for the waiting time is the same as the average waiting time in your pub:

times %>% group_by(pub) %>% summarize(mean(waiting))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   pub              `mean(waiting)`
##   <chr>                      <dbl>
## 1 The Berkeley                4.70
## 2 The Gallimaufry             1.40
## 3 The Milk Thistle            6.27

This shows you that \(\mathbf{E}[y]\), our best guess about what \(y\) will be, is not necessarily going to be the same as \(\mathbf{E}[y|X]\), our best guess about what \(y\) will be knowing \(X\).6 Or, \(\mathbf{E}[\text{wait time}] \neq \mathbf{E}[\text{wait time} | \text{pub}]\)

For a statement of our model, we could write: \[ y_i|\text{pub you're in} \sim \begin{cases} \text{in Berkeley:} & \text{about 4.7 minutes} \\ \text{in Gallimaufry:} & \text{about 1.4 minutes} \\ \text{in Milk Thistle:} & \text{about 6.25 minutes} \end{cases} \] Our best guess, absent any other information, is just the mean within each group. This is important. Regression gives you the expected value of an outcome given the data you’ve observed. And, since we want some idea of how certain these predictions are, we model how sure we are of this guess using some measure of the variance of that expected value. When we know extra information about \(y\), we’re modelling the conditional expectation, \(\mathbf{E}[y | x]\).

You can see for yourself that this is the same for every pub using the predict function. This is a critical function to use in order to treat your model as a prediction engine. To use it, you can get the predictions directly for the data on which you fitted:

##        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8 
## 4.700018 4.700018 4.700018 4.700018 4.700018 4.700018 1.400397 1.400397 
##        9       10       11       12       13       14       15       16 
## 1.400397 1.400397 1.400397 1.400397 1.400397 6.265459 6.265459 6.265459 
##       17 
## 6.265459

Or, you can build a scenario in which you’re interested in making a prediction. This is a dataframe where each row has the values of \(X\) to describe a unique situation. Here, our model just knows about pubs, so we can make a scenario where each row just includes the pub information:

scenario = data.frame(pub=c("The Berkeley", "The Gallimaufry", "The Milk Thistle"))
scenario %>% head() %>% knitr::kable()
The Berkeley
The Gallimaufry
The Milk Thistle

and we can use this to predict just for that dataframe:

predict(model_2, scenario)
##        1        2        3 
## 4.700018 1.400397 6.265459

Note that \(y_i\) may never be normally-distributed by itself in this example, even though \(e_i\) might… The Gallimaufrey’s average waiting time is quite small and its standard error is about the same size as the estimate. If the waiting times at the Gallimaufrey were normal, we’d expect to see about half the distribution have a waiting time below 1.4 minutes, and we’d thus expect some waiting times to be be negative!

Lots of things can have conditional expectation

What if we’re trying to pick a venue for the next thirsty Thursday event, knowing that our impatient friend will only come if he’s not forced to wait “too long” for a drink. He reveals that he’s recorded whether he felt the wait was too long in a new variable:

waiting pub long_wait drinktype
5.8965696 The Berkeley TRUE Beer
8.8221360 The Berkeley TRUE Beer
4.5218912 The Berkeley TRUE Beer
6.6568445 The Berkeley TRUE Cocktail
1.0058834 The Berkeley TRUE Cocktail
1.2967804 The Berkeley FALSE Beer
0.6306975 The Gallimaufry TRUE Cocktail
3.3126954 The Gallimaufry TRUE Cocktail
0.8289619 The Gallimaufry FALSE Beer
2.2263338 The Gallimaufry TRUE Beer
0.7111698 The Gallimaufry FALSE Beer
1.6834961 The Gallimaufry TRUE Beer
0.4094267 The Gallimaufry TRUE Beer
15.6889250 The Milk Thistle TRUE Beer
2.6962470 The Milk Thistle FALSE Beer
1.8636174 The Milk Thistle FALSE Cocktail
4.8130465 The Milk Thistle TRUE Beer

Now, how can we predict what waits will be “too long?” That is, how can we model \(\mathbf{E}[y]\)? Well… you could give a really bad/vague guess: your friend doesn’t wait too long on average:

## [1] 0.7058824

That is \(\mathbf{E}[y]\) when \(y\) is binary: the percentage of time that \(y=1\). For convenience, let’s call that \(\pi\). It just so happens this is also the mean of a binary variable:

## [1] 0.7058824

which is spooky and also convenient.7 and based on the fact that the expectation is a fancy version of the weighted average! We’ll cover more on models that focus on this kind of binary outcome later, but the general structure always remains the same: we’re coming up with a good way to guess \(y\), using the information in \(X\). This is \(\mathbf{E}[y|X]\), regardless of whether \(y\) is wait times, drink type, or an impatient friend’s behavior.